IT Consulting

HireForce providing superior IT staffing services & has exceeded client expectations through highly effective processes.

With our specialized and expert team of executives, and our commitment towards quality and timely response, we make the recruitment simple and effective to our clients by providing them with complete Recruitment Services. Being a partner with our client, we always focus on understanding their culture and values such that we could find a right candidate with right attitude and commitment who not only fits the skill set of the job but also could act as a catalyst to fulfil the short and long term objectives of our clients. With our commitment to fulfil the above, we provide the following services to our clients.

The areas in which we offer our services are:

  • E-Business
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Data Warehousing / Business Intelligence
  • Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Web Services
  • iSeries and Mainframe
  • Testing Practice
  • Product Engineering
  • Travel and leisure
  • Manufacturing
  • Banking, financial services and insurance
  • Pharmaceutical

Permanent Staffing

Permanent staffing is our Prime focus in sectors like IT services , ITES, E-Publishing, Retail, Media and Manufacturing and we can crack any kind of requirement through our expert team of executives and our modest Recruitment techniques. On getting the requirement from the clients we undergo our unique process Extract, Encounter and Entreat to propound the right candidate to our clients.

Contract Staffing

We encountered that the current corporate world is facing a huge challenge due to the ever changing Technology and the most inconsistent market situations. In order to provide flexibility and convenience to our clients in achieving their short term recruitment objectives, we provide them with contract staffing. With this our clients get free from their hectic task of recruiting, motivating, training, and all other liabilities as an employer.

Recruitment Outsourcing

With Recruitment outsourcing we completely remove the recruitment pressure of our clients by handling their complete monthly commitments and requirements. This is also called Recruitment hiring as we completely work for the recruitment process of a particular company. This helps the medium sized companies to reduce their expense on recruitment process and get the work done on time always.


Future is brighter when you’re more prepared

We bring the breadth of our experience and industry knowledge to help you succeed in your work

01We are able to give truly independent advice

We’re here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drainson a robust synopsis for resources.

02Financial advice based on your goals

We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making.

03We’re here to help during market volatility

Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster  thinking to further the overall value proposition.

The operational processes are what drives the business

Somnox sleep robot is now available in the world famous Harrods flagship store in London to help you succeed.

Our ProcessTM help brands adapt and thrive in a connected world

We’re here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drainson resources.

A recognizable and loved brand is one of the most valuable assets a company owns. In fact, 59% of customers prefer to buy products from brands they know. How do you become a sought-after brand with endless sales and raving fans? By identifying your promise to a customer or client. The challenge is communicating a clear and cohesive message.

“We help our clients reimagine, restructure and renew business functions to create agile and resilient organizations.”
Keenan WebberNifty CEO

Nifty team is a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals with a global mindset and a collaborative culture. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making your business work better.

Valuation Services
Development of Financial Models
Corporate Financial Advisory
Deal Structuring